3279 rank

44,089,653 points

26,987 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Kronk the Toxic    Retirees
Uceria 1489 Kronk the Toxic Retirees 176,409,424 115,310
Kronk the Toxic   
Sinerania 3279 Kronk the Toxic 44,089,653 26,987
Kronk the Toxic   
Tuulech 3368 Kronk the Toxic 41,412,232 28,452
Kronk the Toxic   
Noarsil 12092 Kronk the Toxic 354,967 127
Kronk the Toxic   
Odhrorvar 13391 Kronk the Toxic 176,977 128
Kronk the Toxic   
Parkog 13547 Kronk the Toxic 165,121 139