10569 rank

699,811 points

609 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Orgetorix 1191 the Wise    A New Age
Cirgard 10394 Orgetorix 1191 the Wise A New Age 1,626,358 564
Orgetorix 1191 the Wise    The Diamond Mine
East-Nagach 11620 Orgetorix 1191 the Wise The Diamond Mine 888,469 573
Orgetorix 1191 the Wise    The Elements
Vingrid 10645 Orgetorix 1191 the Wise The Elements 786,368 462
Orgetorix 1191 the Wise   
Sinerania 10569 Orgetorix 1191 the Wise 699,811 609
Orgetorix 1191 the Wise   
Zorskog 12822 Orgetorix 1191 the Wise 225,631 228
Orgetorix 1191 the Wise    smokinguns
Odhrorvar 14209 Orgetorix 1191 the Wise smokinguns 116,067 145
Orgetorix 1191 the Wise   
Uceria 17486 Orgetorix 1191 the Wise 30,226 78