12134 rank

326,567 points

158 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Studioatkl    🔥 The Fire 🔥
Noarsil 79 Studioatkl 🔥 The Fire 🔥 2,213,527,137 434,057
Studioatkl    Pyros of N
Uceria 12079 Studioatkl Pyros of N 366,835 194
Studioatkl    Pyros of N
Tuulech 11676 Studioatkl Pyros of N 351,328 214
Studioatkl    Pyros of N
Sinerania 12134 Studioatkl Pyros of N 326,567 158
Studioatkl    Pyros of N
Xyr 13910 Studioatkl Pyros of N 314,670 123
Studioatkl    diamond farmers
Odhrorvar 12155 Studioatkl diamond farmers 302,920 497
Studioatkl    Pyros of N
Walstrand 11905 Studioatkl Pyros of N 299,195 135
Studioatkl    Pyros of N
Zorskog 12137 Studioatkl Pyros of N 293,648 122
Studioatkl    Pyros of N
Angkor 12033 Studioatkl Pyros of N 289,579 161
Studioatkl    Diamond Farming
Parkog 12420 Studioatkl Diamond Farming 265,478 235
Studioatkl    Pyros of N
Vingrid 12887 Studioatkl Pyros of N 263,660 143
Studioatkl    Pyros of N
Birka 9631 Studioatkl Pyros of N 251,411 141
Studioatkl    Diamond Farmers
Rugnir 12958 Studioatkl Diamond Farmers 233,554 168
Studioatkl    Pyros of N
Carthage 8304 Studioatkl Pyros of N 230,658 162
Studioatkl    Pyros of N
Yorkton 13663 Studioatkl Pyros of N 203,626 131
Studioatkl    DO YOUR OWN THING
Qunrir 13109 Studioatkl DO YOUR OWN THING 203,127 191
Studioatkl    Space Force Dilmun
Dilmun 6791 Studioatkl Space Force Dilmun 113,942 78