5439 rank

12,056,267 points

21,867 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Gunman*    Shield of Honor
Tuulech 428 Gunman* Shield of Honor 688,648,586 354,477
Gunman*    Wyked Dragons
Houndsmoor 2788 Gunman* Wyked Dragons 78,609,521 57,648
Gunman*    CHUCKS CITY A
Arvahall 6671 Gunman* CHUCKS CITY A 17,325,869 28,718
Gunman*    Natural Born Killers
Sinerania 5439 Gunman* Natural Born Killers 12,056,267 21,867
Gunman*    CHUCKS CITY D
Dunarsund 7925 Gunman* CHUCKS CITY D 6,357,239 16,005
Gunman*    It's Whatever
Yorkton 9891 Gunman* It's Whatever 1,015,993 2,061