707 rank

453,523,624 points

283,597 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Modem of the Raine    Iron Whisky
Jaims 290 Modem of the Raine Iron Whisky 1,017,858,036 314,723
Modem of the Raine    ⚔️The Coat of Arms⚔️
Sinerania 707 Modem of the Raine ⚔️The Coat of Arms⚔️ 453,523,624 283,597
Modem of the Raine    Ghost Hounds
Korch 1084 Modem of the Raine Ghost Hounds 285,328,208 163,828
Modem of the Raine    Noarsil Pirates
Noarsil 4667 Modem of the Raine Noarsil Pirates 21,193,766 19,560
Modem of the Raine    The Rusty Penny
Birka 2731 Modem of the Raine The Rusty Penny 20,291,321 14,644
Modem of the Raine    Amala!
Angkor 4117 Modem of the Raine Amala! 17,633,755 9,762