3725 rank

31,753,829 points

12,452 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ilmiz the conquerer   
Langendorn 1339 Ilmiz the conquerer 201,972,286 97,080
Ilmiz the conquerer   
Uceria 1393 Ilmiz the conquerer 184,878,906 101,703
Ilmiz the conquerer   
Parkog 1686 Ilmiz the conquerer 129,622,252 46,948
Ilmiz the conquerer   
Xyr 2318 Ilmiz the conquerer 75,165,823 30,697
Ilmiz the conquerer   
Birka 1576 Ilmiz the conquerer 53,777,689 26,688
Ilmiz the conquerer   
Sinerania 3725 Ilmiz the conquerer 31,753,829 12,452
Ilmiz the conquerer   
Mount Killmore 4958 Ilmiz the conquerer 22,645,744 19,730
Ilmiz the conquerer   
Brisgard 5214 Ilmiz the conquerer 22,596,380 24,654
Ilmiz the conquerer   
Cirgard 9553 Ilmiz the conquerer 2,328,041 4,504