10488 rank

777,172 points

58 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Purple Parrot    "Band Of Brothers"
Fel Dranghyr 1435 Purple Parrot "Band Of Brothers" 180,394,869 16,960
Purple Parrot   
Arvahall 12968 Purple Parrot 1,310,020 88
Purple Parrot    Time Pirates
Houndsmoor 11249 Purple Parrot Time Pirates 1,095,812 90
Purple Parrot    The Watchers
Sinerania 10488 Purple Parrot The Watchers 777,172 58
Purple Parrot    uchihaclan
East-Nagach 12768 Purple Parrot uchihaclan 560,658 44
Purple Parrot    Park & Play
Langendorn 11897 Purple Parrot Park & Play 467,663 43
Purple Parrot    Dread
Uceria 12216 Purple Parrot Dread 391,963 35