4112 rank

24,650,785 points

10,724 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
GoneGirl    Girl On The Run
Cirgard 3393 GoneGirl Girl On The Run 47,997,593 12,687
GoneGirl    Forge one Empire
Sinerania 4112 GoneGirl Forge one Empire 24,650,785 10,724
GoneGirl    Prosperity
Fel Dranghyr 4723 GoneGirl Prosperity 22,147,482 10,835
GoneGirl    My Chem
Uceria 4399 GoneGirl My Chem 22,141,169 13,978
GoneGirl    It's Your Game
Tuulech 4918 GoneGirl It's Your Game 15,422,568 8,579
GoneGirl    Active Traders Clan
Rugnir 4975 GoneGirl Active Traders Clan 15,049,134 8,271