2373 rank

76,227,404 points

20,627 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lortus the Lion    Time Bandits 2.0
Sinerania 2373 Lortus the Lion Time Bandits 2.0 76,227,404 20,627
Lortus the Lion    Mount Killmore Kings
Mount Killmore 9416 Lortus the Lion Mount Killmore Kings 2,880,849 2,110
Lortus the Lion    N.W.O.
Cirgard 12957 Lortus the Lion N.W.O. 546,630 772
Lortus the Lion    Quiet and Peaceful
Dunarsund 13313 Lortus the Lion Quiet and Peaceful 538,023 822
Lortus the Lion   
Fel Dranghyr 17506 Lortus the Lion 61,592 75
Lortus the Lion   
Qunrir 17218 Lortus the Lion 38,293 105