1332 rank

194,774,230 points

64,021 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
toadmandude    Frogs of Empires
Sinerania 1332 toadmandude Frogs of Empires 194,774,230 64,021
toadmandude    Gathering Diamonds
Korch 5170 toadmandude Gathering Diamonds 16,099,401 5,570
toadmandude    Gathering Diamonds
Cirgard 6651 toadmandude Gathering Diamonds 9,227,528 4,320
toadmandude    Gathering Diamonds
Houndsmoor 7153 toadmandude Gathering Diamonds 7,844,472 4,084
toadmandude    Gathering Diamonds
Xyr 7443 toadmandude Gathering Diamonds 5,251,782 4,048
toadmandude    Aggression
Parkog 7081 toadmandude Aggression 4,648,917 4,738