14312 rank

118,108 points

2 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
LJ the Queen    relaxation
Noarsil 10916 LJ the Queen relaxation 616,080 27
Qunrir 13667 LJ the Queen SCHILDKROTE 165,142 7
LJ the Queen    3 simple Rules
Sinerania 14312 LJ the Queen 3 simple Rules 118,108 2
LJ the Queen   
Rugnir 14520 LJ the Queen 114,039 4
LJ the Queen    3 Simple Rules
Brisgard 21582 LJ the Queen 3 Simple Rules 36,225 7
LJ the Queen    having fun 1
Arvahall 24072 LJ the Queen having fun 1 35,606 7
LJ the Queen   
Vingrid 17547 LJ the Queen 35,078 5
LJ the Queen    Freedom Riders
Korch 18858 LJ the Queen Freedom Riders 26,430 8