8918 rank

1,578,586 points

1,966 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Whisker8844    Fire of Gryffindor
Greifental 6507 Whisker8844 Fire of Gryffindor 9,052,633 6,164
Whisker8844    W-JustBeStill-W
Tuulech 6507 Whisker8844 W-JustBeStill-W 6,169,742 6,695
Whisker8844    The Breakfast Club
Dunarsund 8678 Whisker8844 The Breakfast Club 4,187,259 5,805
Whisker8844    Parked Away
Sinerania 8918 Whisker8844 Parked Away 1,578,586 1,966
Whisker8844    Parked Away
Vingrid 11899 Whisker8844 Parked Away 446,915 484
Whisker8844    SleepAway
Houndsmoor 14212 Whisker8844 SleepAway 337,330 379
Whisker8844    Sleepaway
Brisgard 16663 Whisker8844 Sleepaway 228,221 557