10584 rank

693,540 points

496 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sven the Stableboy    Integrity
Dunarsund 10876 Sven the Stableboy Integrity 1,440,784 808
Sven the Stableboy    GATTACA
Mount Killmore 11319 Sven the Stableboy GATTACA 1,248,332 725
Sven the Stableboy    Diamond Farm
Rugnir 9873 Sven the Stableboy Diamond Farm 1,079,989 1,057
Sven the Stableboy    Donkey Ear
Langendorn 10402 Sven the Stableboy Donkey Ear 905,145 849
Sven the Stableboy    Mordor Spire
Houndsmoor 11947 Sven the Stableboy Mordor Spire 839,871 557
Sven the Stableboy    Palatinae
Brisgard 13270 Sven the Stableboy Palatinae 802,973 691
Sven the Stableboy   
Greifental 11245 Sven the Stableboy 774,971 454
Sven the Stableboy    GATTACA
Jaims 11109 Sven the Stableboy GATTACA 750,167 500
Sven the Stableboy    Integrity
Uceria 10729 Sven the Stableboy Integrity 741,090 490
Sven the Stableboy    Secret Service
Korch 11177 Sven the Stableboy Secret Service 723,228 433
Sven the Stableboy   
Cirgard 12361 Sven the Stableboy 700,034 425
Sven the Stableboy    The Fighting Irish
Sinerania 10584 Sven the Stableboy The Fighting Irish 693,540 496
Sven the Stableboy    Empire Builders
Qunrir 10886 Sven the Stableboy Empire Builders 615,322 296
Sven the Stableboy   
Noarsil 10984 Sven the Stableboy 606,402 597
Sven the Stableboy    Anunnaki Empire XX
Vingrid 11402 Sven the Stableboy Anunnaki Empire XX 563,689 514
Sven the Stableboy    Parkog Lions
Parkog 11121 Sven the Stableboy Parkog Lions 522,953 347
Sven the Stableboy    GATTACA
Tuulech 11131 Sven the Stableboy GATTACA 476,777 381
Sven the Stableboy    GreatGuilders
Fel Dranghyr 12843 Sven the Stableboy GreatGuilders 426,811 286
Sven the Stableboy    Men of Honor
East-Nagach 13709 Sven the Stableboy Men of Honor 367,542 165
Sven the Stableboy    Skyhold
Arvahall 17073 Sven the Stableboy Skyhold 353,063 264
Sven the Stableboy    Slackers Unlimited
Walstrand 11809 Sven the Stableboy Slackers Unlimited 324,185 201
Sven the Stableboy    Having Fun
Odhrorvar 12146 Sven the Stableboy Having Fun 313,574 178
Sven the Stableboy    GATTACA
Xyr 14133 Sven the Stableboy GATTACA 302,877 147
Sven the Stableboy   
Yorkton 15317 Sven the Stableboy 103,819 51
Sven the Stableboy    Guild Knights
Zorskog 16768 Sven the Stableboy Guild Knights 39,705 48