10152 rank

907,477 points

842 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
enochroot    the Hobbits
Sinerania 10152 enochroot the Hobbits 907,477 842
enochroot    After5
Houndsmoor 12943 enochroot After5 584,863 864
enochroot    Gang Green
Vingrid 11501 enochroot Gang Green 573,271 648
enochroot    Slotterhouse Crew
Carthage 8505 enochroot Slotterhouse Crew 121,063 94
enochroot    The Brotherhood
Xyr 18338 enochroot The Brotherhood 77,825 54
enochroot    Mossflower
Walstrand 17140 enochroot Mossflower 42,647 76