10117 rank

920,688 points

480 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Oscargogh    Silver Tip
Houndsmoor 7678 Oscargogh Silver Tip 5,674,948 956
Oscargogh    Gingerbread Manor
Dunarsund 8020 Oscargogh Gingerbread Manor 5,295,972 1,119
Oscargogh    kings landing
Cirgard 11289 Oscargogh kings landing 1,049,716 520
Oscargogh    Free to Join
Sinerania 10117 Oscargogh Free to Join 920,688 480
Oscargogh    Tar Valon
Parkog 10338 Oscargogh Tar Valon 796,698 1,147
Oscargogh    Kingdom of Jerusalem
Odhrorvar 11262 Oscargogh Kingdom of Jerusalem 549,290 399
Oscargogh    Thankful and Blessed
Xyr 14910 Oscargogh Thankful and Blessed 266,766 424