4170 rank

25,222,135 points

3,259 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
hypatia the philosopher    Laur
Sinerania 4170 hypatia the philosopher Laur 25,222,135 3,259
hypatia the philosopher    The FOE FAMILY (TFF)
Langendorn 5564 hypatia the philosopher The FOE FAMILY (TFF) 12,965,619 2,323
hypatia the philosopher    SHIELD
Jaims 6058 hypatia the philosopher SHIELD 10,687,311 1,417
hypatia the philosopher   
Uceria 7654 hypatia the philosopher 3,996,158 901
hypatia the philosopher    Equity
Vingrid 17437 hypatia the philosopher Equity 36,410 64