16642 rank

46,344 points

74 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Drick the Mt. GOAT   
Odhrorvar 10958 Drick the Mt. GOAT 585,833 417
Drick the Mt. GOAT    We help each other
Arvahall 16497 Drick the Mt. GOAT We help each other 422,910 330
Drick the Mt. GOAT   
Parkog 14431 Drick the Mt. GOAT 116,270 99
Drick the Mt. GOAT   
Xyr 18825 Drick the Mt. GOAT 50,820 63
Drick the Mt. GOAT   
Sinerania 16642 Drick the Mt. GOAT 46,344 74