12096 rank

351,271 points

3,330 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Marius 1189 the Cruel    Jesus army
Odhrorvar 9933 Marius 1189 the Cruel Jesus army 957,100 4,394
Marius 1189 the Cruel    TheDarkKnights
Mount Killmore 13654 Marius 1189 the Cruel TheDarkKnights 506,632 3,364
Marius 1189 the Cruel    texas
Sinerania 12096 Marius 1189 the Cruel texas 351,271 3,330
Marius 1189 the Cruel    THE GUILD GUIlD
Zorskog 12008 Marius 1189 the Cruel THE GUILD GUIlD 325,141 2,775