6896 rank

4,956,236 points

5,509 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
The Amazingly Mando    Abyss Watchers
Arvahall 4392 The Amazingly Mando Abyss Watchers 37,168,339 20,095
The Amazingly Mando    Deez Knights
Carthage 1901 The Amazingly Mando Deez Knights 11,130,878 10,943
The Amazingly Mando    Time Bandits 2.0
Sinerania 6896 The Amazingly Mando Time Bandits 2.0 4,956,236 5,509
The Amazingly Mando    Mercury & Mars
Jaims 8533 The Amazingly Mando Mercury & Mars 2,641,596 4,057
The Amazingly Mando    YFG High
Houndsmoor 9639 The Amazingly Mando YFG High 2,168,505 3,792
The Amazingly Mando    White Rabbits
Xyr 9924 The Amazingly Mando White Rabbits 1,614,726 3,863