2906 rank

59,056,843 points

18,220 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Maria 452 the Benevolent   
Sinerania 2906 Maria 452 the Benevolent 59,056,843 18,220
Maria 452 the Benevolent   
Arvahall 4706 Maria 452 the Benevolent 42,202,033 19,370
Maria 452 the Benevolent    Dragons of Vanguard
Jaims 3675 Maria 452 the Benevolent Dragons of Vanguard 40,029,905 17,647
Maria 452 the Benevolent   
Cirgard 3941 Maria 452 the Benevolent 39,890,976 19,497
Maria 452 the Benevolent    Ultimate🛡Paradigm
Mount Killmore 4120 Maria 452 the Benevolent Ultimate🛡Paradigm 38,250,320 16,805
Maria 452 the Benevolent   
Langendorn 3770 Maria 452 the Benevolent 37,699,693 16,708
Maria 452 the Benevolent   
Xyr 4148 Maria 452 the Benevolent 26,970,114 15,813
Maria 452 the Benevolent   
Zorskog 3684 Maria 452 the Benevolent 25,198,261 16,027
Maria 452 the Benevolent    Galactic Shadow
Yorkton 5481 Maria 452 the Benevolent Galactic Shadow 11,334,950 8,789