13501 rank

176,751 points

40 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Jane of Yale    The Producers
Tuulech 8168 Jane of Yale The Producers 2,293,302 624
Jane of Yale    The Producers
Jaims 9660 Jane of Yale The Producers 1,491,717 7,263
Jane of Yale    The producers
Mount Killmore 11885 Jane of Yale The producers 985,720 2,162
Jane of Yale    Asylum
Fel Dranghyr 12700 Jane of Yale Asylum 446,231 132
Jane of Yale    Chiefs
Xyr 13742 Jane of Yale Chiefs 349,962 142
Jane of Yale    Starset
Uceria 13132 Jane of Yale Starset 230,213 40
Sinerania 13501 Jane of Yale THE FORGE BRIGADE 176,751 40
Jane of Yale    Fresh Start
Noarsil 13578 Jane of Yale Fresh Start 174,709 66
Jane of Yale    The Producers
East-Nagach 17628 Jane of Yale The Producers 64,685 172