13237 rank

253,326 points

4 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Mrs Bodecea 676 the lady   
East-Nagach 7120 Mrs Bodecea 676 the lady 7,181,563 2,411
Mrs Bodecea 676 the lady   
Noarsil 8129 Mrs Bodecea 676 the lady 2,677,143 70
Mrs Bodecea 676 the lady    max
Dunarsund 9430 Mrs Bodecea 676 the lady max 2,672,970 84
Mrs Bodecea 676 the lady   
Mount Killmore 10385 Mrs Bodecea 676 the lady 1,768,165 47
Mrs Bodecea 676 the lady   
Vingrid 10445 Mrs Bodecea 676 the lady 883,756 16
Mrs Bodecea 676 the lady    Nyx
Odhrorvar 12737 Mrs Bodecea 676 the lady Nyx 287,791 6
Mrs Bodecea 676 the lady    Nix
Sinerania 13237 Mrs Bodecea 676 the lady Nix 253,326 4