9420 rank

1,134,224 points

1,091 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Telstar762    Legion of Despair
Fel Dranghyr 7966 Telstar762 Legion of Despair 4,540,314 2,695
Telstar762    Guild of Leah
Houndsmoor 8786 Telstar762 Guild of Leah 3,904,885 2,320
Telstar762    Iron lion
Parkog 7657 Telstar762 Iron lion 3,308,303 1,873
Telstar762    Ghost Ship
Qunrir 8360 Telstar762 Ghost Ship 2,411,703 1,547
Telstar762    greifental
Greifental 9016 Telstar762 greifental 2,363,229 1,874
Telstar762    The great
Xyr 10712 Telstar762 The great 1,148,836 1,075
Telstar762    Empire King
Tuulech 9420 Telstar762 Empire King 1,134,224 1,091
Telstar762    Kings
Zorskog 9418 Telstar762 Kings 1,047,055 1,038
Telstar762    Do as you like
Jaims 12886 Telstar762 Do as you like 352,242 716