923 rank

316,135,959 points

131,641 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Freyawillow    Legends Of Valor
Tuulech 923 Freyawillow Legends Of Valor 316,135,959 131,641
Freyawillow    Metaphysic StarGate
Rugnir 974 Freyawillow Metaphysic StarGate 305,143,853 138,517
Freyawillow    Jon's friends
Xyr 818 Freyawillow Jon's friends 303,422,136 118,376
Freyawillow    Lady of the Lake
Houndsmoor 1164 Freyawillow Lady of the Lake 278,264,130 113,608
Freyawillow    Forged Alliance
Zorskog 777 Freyawillow Forged Alliance 269,646,058 106,671
Freyawillow    🐇WHITE RABBIT🐇
Angkor 1180 Freyawillow 🐇WHITE RABBIT🐇 158,100,339 64,017