16894 rank

34,856 points

121 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sir Lexx   
East-Nagach 14916 Sir Lexx 222,669 471
Sir Lexx    The Swarm
Jaims 15046 Sir Lexx The Swarm 142,093 323
Sir Lexx    Griffiths
Yorkton 15517 Sir Lexx Griffiths 100,835 316
Sir Lexx    Live, Laugh, Build
Xyr 18914 Sir Lexx Live, Laugh, Build 49,851 196
Sir Lexx    C.R.O.S.S.B.O.N.E.
Tuulech 16894 Sir Lexx C.R.O.S.S.B.O.N.E. 34,856 121