5418 rank

10,299,308 points

1,714 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Mim the Smart   
Uceria 2499 Mim the Smart 60,506,719 5,233
Mim the Smart    Souls of the Lost
Arvahall 6426 Mim the Smart Souls of the Lost 15,422,807 1,542
Mim the Smart    Sole
Mount Killmore 5978 Mim the Smart Sole 12,360,827 1,561
Mim the Smart    lonewolf
Parkog 5277 Mim the Smart lonewolf 11,621,060 1,457
Mim the Smart    loner1
Tuulech 5418 Mim the Smart loner1 10,299,308 1,714
Mim the Smart    shegmozell's Knight
East-Nagach 6435 Mim the Smart shegmozell's Knight 9,987,343 1,486
Mim the Smart    just us
Angkor 5111 Mim the Smart just us 8,248,769 1,138
Mim the Smart    Sole
Xyr 8759 Mim the Smart Sole 2,672,151 740
Mim the Smart    나는 나무야
Korch 8572 Mim the Smart 나는 나무야 2,463,233 725
Mim the Smart    Guild 77
Yorkton 10329 Mim the Smart Guild 77 819,503 551