7098 rank

4,363,672 points

4,271 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Alcmene 1113 the Cunning   
Brisgard 3312 Alcmene 1113 the Cunning 56,360,339 27,069
Alcmene 1113 the Cunning    mmmm
Tuulech 7098 Alcmene 1113 the Cunning mmmm 4,363,672 4,271
Alcmene 1113 the Cunning   
Vingrid 8211 Alcmene 1113 the Cunning 2,656,195 4,046
Alcmene 1113 the Cunning    Gallifrey
Cirgard 17429 Alcmene 1113 the Cunning Gallifrey 100,823 689