2660 rank

67,184,762 points

103,320 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Perseus 698 the Fair    TITANS
Sinerania 1211 Perseus 698 the Fair TITANS 242,988,886 117,621
Perseus 698 the Fair    Maelstrom
Qunrir 1500 Perseus 698 the Fair Maelstrom 183,031,493 276,481
Perseus 698 the Fair    Angleland
Zorskog 2069 Perseus 698 the Fair Angleland 75,335,200 90,872
Perseus 698 the Fair    VETERANS UNITED
Dunarsund 3144 Perseus 698 the Fair VETERANS UNITED 68,811,538 141,815
Perseus 698 the Fair    The Huns
Tuulech 2660 Perseus 698 the Fair The Huns 67,184,762 103,320