2594 rank

69,074,371 points

23,873 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Thea 960 the Lucky   
Odhrorvar 309 Thea 960 the Lucky 956,330,587 181,159
Thea 960 the Lucky   
East-Nagach 3038 Thea 960 the Lucky 71,126,281 28,383
Thea 960 the Lucky   
Tuulech 2594 Thea 960 the Lucky 69,074,371 23,873
Thea 960 the Lucky   
Vingrid 3056 Thea 960 the Lucky 52,255,938 21,843
Thea 960 the Lucky   
Angkor 3357 Thea 960 the Lucky 27,537,776 12,581