6400 rank

7,065,807 points

4,469 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Shari the Best    🐊Swamp Gators🐊
Zorskog 60 Shari the Best 🐊Swamp Gators🐊 1,948,606,513 484,401
Shari the Best    On Break
East-Nagach 3714 Shari the Best On Break 46,666,708 23,946
Shari the Best    8 Best Kumquats
Carthage 1134 Shari the Best 8 Best Kumquats 42,448,650 58,247
Shari the Best    Mandalorians United
Birka 4077 Shari the Best Mandalorians United 7,560,978 4,265
Shari the Best    At Your Leisure
Tuulech 6400 Shari the Best At Your Leisure 7,065,807 4,469