732 rank

360,366,233 points

78,776 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Peggy of Oz    The Rabbit Hole 🐰
Tuulech 732 Peggy of Oz The Rabbit Hole 🐰 360,366,233 78,776
Peggy of Oz    March Hares🐇
East-Nagach 1390 Peggy of Oz March Hares🐇 220,392,677 67,373
Peggy of Oz    ⛈️Stormy Witches🧙‍
Rugnir 4510 Peggy of Oz ⛈️Stormy Witches🧙‍ 19,862,978 12,833
Peggy of Oz    Laid Back Guild
Cirgard 11996 Peggy of Oz Laid Back Guild 795,488 1,377