8469 rank

1,896,783 points

253 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Onesimus the Faithful   
Tuulech 8469 Onesimus the Faithful 1,896,783 253
Onesimus the Faithful    THORNS
Houndsmoor 11669 Onesimus the Faithful THORNS 893,595 157
Onesimus the Faithful    The Monks
Zorskog 11930 Onesimus the Faithful The Monks 328,315 58
Onesimus the Faithful   
Uceria 13396 Onesimus the Faithful 204,227 48
Onesimus the Faithful    Walkers of Dominaria
Yorkton 14023 Onesimus the Faithful Walkers of Dominaria 183,939 46