8059 rank

2,423,143 points

4,824 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sir Gerald the Hammer    Pictland
Brisgard 6219 Sir Gerald the Hammer Pictland 14,219,185 18,450
Sir Gerald the Hammer    Ricebirds
Angkor 4934 Sir Gerald the Hammer Ricebirds 10,395,218 8,300
Sir Gerald the Hammer    Travelers
Yorkton 6216 Sir Gerald the Hammer Travelers 7,066,631 10,577
Sir Gerald the Hammer    Ricebirds
East-Nagach 9050 Sir Gerald the Hammer Ricebirds 2,942,774 4,913
Sir Gerald the Hammer    Pictland F of C
Tuulech 8059 Sir Gerald the Hammer Pictland F of C 2,423,143 4,824
Sir Gerald the Hammer    Ricebirds
Parkog 9097 Sir Gerald the Hammer Ricebirds 1,374,982 4,855