13931 rank

155,664 points

122 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
raideral1963    Children of GOD
Rugnir 3343 raideral1963 Children of GOD 34,527,014 2,442
raideral1963    Core
Langendorn 3749 raideral1963 Core 29,611,386 2,503
raideral1963    One for All
Korch 3936 raideral1963 One for All 28,376,393 2,888
raideral1963    Motivated slackerz
Fel Dranghyr 4223 raideral1963 Motivated slackerz 25,035,519 2,627
Tuulech 13931 raideral1963 155,664 122