9380 rank

1,204,243 points

1,098 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Doc**    Hello Darkness
Zorskog 2116 Doc** Hello Darkness 52,357,993 93,787
Doc**    Xyr Builders
Xyr 5487 Doc** Xyr Builders 11,918,787 14,126
Doc**    Rugner Builders
Rugnir 5708 Doc** Rugner Builders 9,325,717 14,925
Doc**    Angkor Management
Angkor 6619 Doc** Angkor Management 3,697,216 4,975
Doc**    Arvahall Rising
Arvahall 10405 Doc** Arvahall Rising 3,281,202 7,261
Doc**    Langendorn Rising
Langendorn 8743 Doc** Langendorn Rising 2,066,350 2,132
Doc**    Korch Rising
Korch 9472 Doc** Korch Rising 1,583,769 4,203
Doc**    Mjølnir Rising
Qunrir 9549 Doc** Mjølnir Rising 1,299,567 1,263
Doc**    Vingrid Pirates
Vingrid 9635 Doc** Vingrid Pirates 1,255,231 947
Doc**    Tuuluch Rising
Tuulech 9380 Doc** Tuuluch Rising 1,204,243 1,098
Doc**    🌹 Odor of the Rose
Odhrorvar 9976 Doc** 🌹 Odor of the Rose 972,619 1,160
Doc**    EN Rising
East-Nagach 12170 Doc** EN Rising 720,677 1,220