6246 rank

7,666,139 points

2,285 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cheesy nacho    Alpha‏‎ ‎
Odhrorvar 93 Cheesy nacho Alpha‏‎ ‎ 2,082,400,234 566,848
Cheesy nacho    Badass Pilates
Arvahall 4154 Cheesy nacho Badass Pilates 53,689,977 11,587
Cheesy nacho    Snoozers and loosers
Rugnir 3859 Cheesy nacho Snoozers and loosers 31,922,275 8,523
Cheesy nacho    Saber Tooth Beavers
Brisgard 6108 Cheesy nacho Saber Tooth Beavers 16,390,147 3,750
Cheesy nacho    Demonstritive Otters
Cirgard 5748 Cheesy nacho Demonstritive Otters 15,120,161 3,170
Cheesy nacho    Diamond Cutter Guild
Fel Dranghyr 5626 Cheesy nacho Diamond Cutter Guild 14,496,813 2,743
Cheesy nacho    Drd
East-Nagach 5971 Cheesy nacho Drd 14,445,537 2,888
Cheesy nacho    Golden Hyenas
Dunarsund 6091 Cheesy nacho Golden Hyenas 14,414,497 3,064
Cheesy nacho    Diamond Guild
Korch 5678 Cheesy nacho Diamond Guild 13,058,057 2,389
Cheesy nacho    Diamond Guild
Houndsmoor 6191 Cheesy nacho Diamond Guild 13,033,825 2,473
Cheesy nacho    Diamond Guild
Mount Killmore 6228 Cheesy nacho Diamond Guild 12,997,989 2,434
Cheesy nacho    Fightin Pescatarians
Greifental 5862 Cheesy nacho Fightin Pescatarians 12,929,316 2,472
Cheesy nacho    Slick Salamanders
Jaims 5681 Cheesy nacho Slick Salamanders 12,770,122 2,627
Cheesy nacho    Event Team
Parkog 5465 Cheesy nacho Event Team 12,197,931 2,687
Cheesy nacho    Green Hippos
Noarsil 5703 Cheesy nacho Green Hippos 11,815,383 2,253
Cheesy nacho    Monkey Butt Danger
Langendorn 5801 Cheesy nacho Monkey Butt Danger 11,388,004 2,217
Cheesy nacho    Diamond Guild
Qunrir 5802 Cheesy nacho Diamond Guild 10,867,313 2,272
Cheesy nacho    Never Here
Uceria 6349 Cheesy nacho Never Here 8,431,606 2,800
Cheesy nacho    Blah blah
Tuulech 6246 Cheesy nacho Blah blah 7,666,139 2,285
Cheesy nacho    Red dead
Vingrid 10854 Cheesy nacho Red dead 704,956 607