880 rank

348,503,901 points

76,893 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Jimmy the Boozehound    The Boozehounds
Tuulech 880 Jimmy the Boozehound The Boozehounds 348,503,901 76,893
Jimmy the Boozehound    Wishing Well Farmers
Uceria 5578 Jimmy the Boozehound Wishing Well Farmers 12,763,308 1,938
Jimmy the Boozehound    Wishing Well Farms
Sinerania 5373 Jimmy the Boozehound Wishing Well Farms 12,635,493 1,850
Jimmy the Boozehound    Diamond Farms
Odhrorvar 5571 Jimmy the Boozehound Diamond Farms 12,114,938 1,954
Jimmy the Boozehound    Wishing Well Farms
Langendorn 5726 Jimmy the Boozehound Wishing Well Farms 12,072,426 2,022
Jimmy the Boozehound    Wishing Well Farmers
Mount Killmore 6964 Jimmy the Boozehound Wishing Well Farmers 9,653,926 1,721
Jimmy the Boozehound    Wishing Well Farmers
Greifental 6661 Jimmy the Boozehound Wishing Well Farmers 9,034,476 1,710
Jimmy the Boozehound    Wishing Well Farmers
Brisgard 7596 Jimmy the Boozehound Wishing Well Farmers 8,890,550 1,609
Jimmy the Boozehound    Wishing Well Farmers
Xyr 6683 Jimmy the Boozehound Wishing Well Farmers 7,913,499 1,543
Jimmy the Boozehound    Wishing Well Farmers
Zorskog 6531 Jimmy the Boozehound Wishing Well Farmers 5,237,371 1,738
Jimmy the Boozehound    Wishing Well Farmers
Walstrand 6966 Jimmy the Boozehound Wishing Well Farmers 4,577,157 1,555
Jimmy the Boozehound    Wishing Well Farmers
Angkor 7075 Jimmy the Boozehound Wishing Well Farmers 3,631,515 1,599
Jimmy the Boozehound    Wishing Well Farms
Dunarsund 9143 Jimmy the Boozehound Wishing Well Farms 3,390,042 1,252
Jimmy the Boozehound    Diamond Farmers
Yorkton 7743 Jimmy the Boozehound Diamond Farmers 3,367,602 1,412
Jimmy the Boozehound    Wishing Well Farmers
Korch 8326 Jimmy the Boozehound Wishing Well Farmers 3,176,943 1,343
Jimmy the Boozehound    Badass Pilates
Arvahall 11844 Jimmy the Boozehound Badass Pilates 2,129,073 1,178
Jimmy the Boozehound    Wishing Well Farmers
Fel Dranghyr 11001 Jimmy the Boozehound Wishing Well Farmers 931,751 869