5486 rank

11,818,640 points

2,383 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
GoofNugget    The Iron Cross
Jaims 1549 GoofNugget The Iron Cross 175,639,394 43,307
GoofNugget    Camp Site
East-Nagach 6394 GoofNugget Camp Site 12,059,270 2,888
GoofNugget    The Iron Cross
Tuulech 5486 GoofNugget The Iron Cross 11,818,640 2,383
GoofNugget    the tribe's
Mount Killmore 8460 GoofNugget the tribe's 4,821,967 1,182
GoofNugget    The Iron Cross
Brisgard 12017 GoofNugget The Iron Cross 1,251,873 797
GoofNugget    Strenth n Knowledge
Walstrand 9629 GoofNugget Strenth n Knowledge 896,973 674