10143 rank

832,633 points

884 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Theresa keeney    Sisterhood of One
Houndsmoor 9788 Theresa keeney Sisterhood of One 2,026,405 2,966
Theresa keeney    Sisterhood of One
Brisgard 10821 Theresa keeney Sisterhood of One 1,821,076 2,145
Theresa keeney    Sisterhood of One
East-Nagach 10058 Theresa keeney Sisterhood of One 1,707,822 2,721
Theresa keeney    Guild of One
Mount Killmore 10588 Theresa keeney Guild of One 1,619,198 2,913
Theresa keeney   
Arvahall 13481 Theresa keeney 1,087,119 1,850
Theresa keeney    Sisterhood of One
Fel Dranghyr 11140 Theresa keeney Sisterhood of One 916,956 1,741
Theresa keeney    Sisterhood of One
Odhrorvar 10191 Theresa keeney Sisterhood of One 876,870 1,233
Theresa keeney    Guild of One
Langendorn 10669 Theresa keeney Guild of One 840,584 907
Theresa keeney    Guild of One
Tuulech 10143 Theresa keeney Guild of One 832,633 884
Theresa keeney    Guild of 1
Jaims 11171 Theresa keeney Guild of 1 784,132 1,010
Theresa keeney    Guild of One
Sinerania 10508 Theresa keeney Guild of One 770,953 970