8862 rank

1,533,229 points

1,490 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Catherine 581 the Strong   
Brisgard 6299 Catherine 581 the Strong 14,521,635 3,124
Catherine 581 the Strong    FunTimes
Noarsil 8303 Catherine 581 the Strong FunTimes 2,437,413 964
Catherine 581 the Strong    Queastors
Parkog 8217 Catherine 581 the Strong Queastors 2,302,762 932
Catherine 581 the Strong    Heroe's Hall
Greifental 9256 Catherine 581 the Strong Heroe's Hall 2,034,347 1,419
Catherine 581 the Strong    Slytherin
Tuulech 8862 Catherine 581 the Strong Slytherin 1,533,229 1,490
Catherine 581 the Strong    MorningStar
Xyr 11725 Catherine 581 the Strong MorningStar 740,306 779