5313 rank

12,075,782 points

6,240 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
John the Exile of Patmos   
Tuulech 5313 John the Exile of Patmos 12,075,782 6,240
John the Exile of Patmos   
Sinerania 5523 John the Exile of Patmos 10,881,006 5,517
John the Exile of Patmos   
Mount Killmore 7715 John the Exile of Patmos 6,431,308 3,198
John the Exile of Patmos   
Greifental 7907 John the Exile of Patmos 4,283,668 3,114
John the Exile of Patmos   
Houndsmoor 9330 John the Exile of Patmos 2,669,092 466
John the Exile of Patmos   
Qunrir 8184 John the Exile of Patmos 2,663,094 3,192