2654 rank

66,822,115 points

26,737 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
rokkit    Raving Lunatics
Brisgard 2199 rokkit Raving Lunatics 124,246,600 38,322
rokkit    Forgotten Ghost
Arvahall 2941 rokkit Forgotten Ghost 98,871,292 24,382
rokkit    ☢️CIVIL UNREST☢️
Cirgard 2658 rokkit ☢️CIVIL UNREST☢️ 80,687,736 19,871
rokkit    Forged in Honor
Tuulech 2654 rokkit Forged in Honor 66,822,115 26,737
rokkit    Knights of Seven
East-Nagach 3403 rokkit Knights of Seven 57,144,826 23,614
rokkit    The ₩○£f🐺Pack🇺🇦
Greifental 3447 rokkit The ₩○£f🐺Pack🇺🇦 49,511,855 27,465