3654 rank

31,993,532 points

12,709 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Connie 16    Followers of Christ
Odhrorvar 3381 Connie 16 Followers of Christ 40,783,149 13,336
Connie 16    just chillin
Xyr 3624 Connie 16 just chillin 33,244,025 13,220
Connie 16    Drifters
Tuulech 3654 Connie 16 Drifters 31,993,532 12,709
Connie 16    Order of the Phoenix
Rugnir 3759 Connie 16 Order of the Phoenix 31,243,543 12,586
Connie 16    Free Traders
East-Nagach 4417 Connie 16 Free Traders 29,526,819 10,612