12514 rank

253,216 points

328 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
NoobMaster69 the Eternal   
Jaims 1108 NoobMaster69 the Eternal 247,592,955 88,586
NoobMaster69 the Eternal   
Sinerania 1649 NoobMaster69 the Eternal 137,338,898 19,211
NoobMaster69 the Eternal    Iron Will
Parkog 2691 NoobMaster69 the Eternal Iron Will 58,710,132 18,469
NoobMaster69 the Eternal    Diamond Farmers
Qunrir 8572 NoobMaster69 the Eternal Diamond Farmers 2,101,810 2,552
NoobMaster69 the Eternal   
Tuulech 12514 NoobMaster69 the Eternal 253,216 328