11989 rank

309,399 points

39 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Zoe 375 the Savior    Arcade
Greifental 15 Zoe 375 the Savior Arcade 4,141,498,320 710,271
Zoe 375 the Savior    No Judgement Zone
Arvahall 10555 Zoe 375 the Savior No Judgement Zone 3,706,512 746
Zoe 375 the Savior    The Misfit Toys
East-Nagach 10664 Zoe 375 the Savior The Misfit Toys 1,358,341 495
Zoe 375 the Savior    Black Lagoon Saloon
Fel Dranghyr 11755 Zoe 375 the Savior Black Lagoon Saloon 692,816 26
Zoe 375 the Savior    Entertainer
Sinerania 10841 Zoe 375 the Savior Entertainer 617,779 21
Zoe 375 the Savior    No Requirements
Yorkton 11178 Zoe 375 the Savior No Requirements 593,591 60
Zoe 375 the Savior    ANARCHY IS ORDER
Brisgard 14358 Zoe 375 the Savior ANARCHY IS ORDER 524,213 123
Zoe 375 the Savior    Hidden Sakura
Cirgard 13158 Zoe 375 the Savior Hidden Sakura 510,304 77
Zoe 375 the Savior    NO EXPECTATIONS-2
Xyr 12745 Zoe 375 the Savior NO EXPECTATIONS-2 509,545 31
Zoe 375 the Savior    Humble Traders
Vingrid 12169 Zoe 375 the Savior Humble Traders 391,802 46
Zoe 375 the Savior    beginners guild
Dunarsund 14300 Zoe 375 the Savior beginners guild 364,837 66
Zoe 375 the Savior    Diamond Miners
Mount Killmore 14625 Zoe 375 the Savior Diamond Miners 358,296 40
Zoe 375 the Savior    Guardian Knights
Tuulech 11989 Zoe 375 the Savior Guardian Knights 309,399 39
Zoe 375 the Savior    Shadows of Silence
Korch 13174 Zoe 375 the Savior Shadows of Silence 304,820 29
Zoe 375 the Savior    El Sol
Jaims 13852 Zoe 375 the Savior El Sol 225,839 58
Zoe 375 the Savior    House of Dragns
Dilmun 5944 Zoe 375 the Savior House of Dragns 224,466 56
Zoe 375 the Savior    Freedom Reigns
Odhrorvar 12959 Zoe 375 the Savior Freedom Reigns 216,298 23
Zoe 375 the Savior    No Drama
Zorskog 12921 Zoe 375 the Savior No Drama 216,171 45
Zoe 375 the Savior    Fire & Ice
Qunrir 13125 Zoe 375 the Savior Fire & Ice 208,552 35