9478 rank

1,146,166 points

2,329 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Berenike 2454 the Hawk    monkey see
Korch 9589 Berenike 2454 the Hawk monkey see 1,503,899 2,197
Berenike 2454 the Hawk    SteamCore
Xyr 10173 Berenike 2454 the Hawk SteamCore 1,442,632 2,243
Berenike 2454 the Hawk    House of Washtown
Qunrir 9447 Berenike 2454 the Hawk House of Washtown 1,365,638 2,243
Berenike 2454 the Hawk    Old Witches
Arvahall 13120 Berenike 2454 the Hawk Old Witches 1,211,626 2,512
Berenike 2454 the Hawk    Crusades
Tuulech 9478 Berenike 2454 the Hawk Crusades 1,146,166 2,329
Berenike 2454 the Hawk    Green Land
Odhrorvar 12315 Berenike 2454 the Hawk Green Land 347,004 1,114