4187 rank

25,367,660 points

19,484 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
SilverFoxxe    Planet Keepers
East-Nagach 2794 SilverFoxxe Planet Keepers 86,867,058 24,119
SilverFoxxe    Growing Stronger
Greifental 4181 SilverFoxxe Growing Stronger 33,505,425 18,009
SilverFoxxe    The Famished Horde
Zorskog 3644 SilverFoxxe The Famished Horde 26,110,528 16,475
SilverFoxxe    Corsair Bay Drunk
Tuulech 4187 SilverFoxxe Corsair Bay Drunk 25,367,660 19,484