9998 rank

846,344 points

1,428 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
SandyTheWise    The Juicy Alien
Fel Dranghyr 7777 SandyTheWise The Juicy Alien 4,791,420 6,117
SandyTheWise    The Juicy Alien
Sinerania 7172 SandyTheWise The Juicy Alien 4,336,362 5,529
SandyTheWise    The Juicy Alien
Houndsmoor 8542 SandyTheWise The Juicy Alien 4,079,349 5,368
SandyTheWise    The Juicy Alien
Tuulech 9998 SandyTheWise The Juicy Alien 846,344 1,428
SandyTheWise    The Juicy Alien
Carthage 5435 SandyTheWise The Juicy Alien 838,252 1,246