14363 rank

107,382 points

202 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Alan 1028 the Brash   
Parkog 13081 Alan 1028 the Brash 213,715 280
Alan 1028 the Brash    Freedom of tyranny!
Tuulech 14363 Alan 1028 the Brash Freedom of tyranny! 107,382 202
Alan 1028 the Brash    Z Nation
Uceria 14964 Alan 1028 the Brash Z Nation 104,157 197
Alan 1028 the Brash    Goog Going
Xyr 17590 Alan 1028 the Brash Goog Going 82,919 150
Alan 1028 the Brash    Trust No One
Birka 11906 Alan 1028 the Brash Trust No One 81,543 195
Alan 1028 the Brash    Fire starter
Zorskog 15434 Alan 1028 the Brash Fire starter 72,736 183
Alan 1028 the Brash    cool
Jaims 16730 Alan 1028 the Brash cool 68,433 176
Alan 1028 the Brash    AREU7
Houndsmoor 18828 Alan 1028 the Brash AREU7 54,225 184
Alan 1028 the Brash    Moto mafia
Korch 17412 Alan 1028 the Brash Moto mafia 52,326 153