2307 rank

85,863,121 points

138,640 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Timbar The Wicked   
Tuulech 2307 Timbar The Wicked 85,863,121 138,640
Timbar The Wicked   
Uceria 7730 Timbar The Wicked 3,815,740 11,917
Timbar The Wicked    Shawn the great
Vingrid 16112 Timbar The Wicked Shawn the great 64,294 101
Timbar The Wicked    Obamanaughts
Walstrand 15400 Timbar The Wicked Obamanaughts 60,241 131
Timbar The Wicked    Celestial Warriors
Parkog 15860 Timbar The Wicked Celestial Warriors 58,199 162